"team justagirl" – the new generation

Well its been a few weeks since Mum and  I have been on the water, after finishing off the season on a high, it was back to working on putting our plans we have been talking about finally into action. As you would have noticed we have been flat out re-designing our logo and will have a final decision on that tomorrow, before rebranding takes place… so watch this space!!!
Mum and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support, camaraderie and friendships.
Sooo to our exciting news …. Mum and I have been busy spending the last few months in the back ground talking to and meeting people and today we did our first team bonding session and we would finally like to introduce you the new generation of “team justagirl”
We welcome
our first generation Green Horn (Lauren), who will be learning the finer art of sandwich making and boat cleaning this season and general decky duties.
Next is “Whip Cracker” because no one can whip squid jags of the line and send them flying like her welcome Lauren.
Last and certainly by no means least is the one and only fellow “Ribbons” fisher woman, who is definitely going to keep up us on our toes and entertained welcome Leah.
It has been great to meet all these amazing women and after having a few social catch ups and now spending a day together out on the boat, it is just amazing how well we all get along, in fact, so well it is like we have all known each other for years.
We are really looking forward to the summer months fishing together and having fun out on the water.  Im sure you are all going to enjoy reading our stories as we go into the new generation of “team justagirl”
Ohhhh and by the way, the Green Horn role will be an annual intake …..  😉


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